Sunday, August 23, 2015

A submission concept for the Governors half billion dollar regional awards

World Center, NY and the International Museum of Writing, IMoW and a Stadium Option

 The concept is to create a new municipal entity in New York State named World Center, NY that would feature a New York State Museum called the International Museum of Writing, IMoW, and possibly a major sports stadium for New York State teams. It would be located in Syracuse, New York in such a way that the city would benefit enough to approve the creation of the new municipality within its borders. Two maps are attached.

World Center would promote itself as an international location for new businesses, and workers and IMoW would attract large numbers of visitors and tourists from around the world. IMoW could be the cultural mecca of the world. The option of including of a major sports stadium would further enhance the new city.

The proposed site area in Syracuse will benefit from the fact that there are large amounts of vacant land or surface level parking lots available for new buildings because the proposed site area is near or adjacent to an ugly, noisy interstate elevated viaduct that is going to be removed and probably be replaced with a Grand Boulevard. Although there is still an option to rebuild the viaduct, the economic benefits of this project would obviously preclude further consideration of the rebuilding option.

 The concept is that World Center, NY would be a high-density walkable community that would be a home and workplace for thousands of people. Tens of thousands of people work within walking distance of the site already since it is close to downtown Syracuse, close the large medical complex of hospitals and close to Syracuse University. To maximize the use of available vacant or underused property, the building zoning concept for the new community would be to say mirror the high density zoning of the central parts of New York City.

There would need to be a beneficial agreement with the city of Syracuse so that the city would not only not lose revenue, but could benefit financially from the new arrangement both initially and in the long term. The new community would need, at least initially, to contract for many services from the city. Since the city would be creating the new municipality, the approval of a mutually beneficial agreement would seem obvious. Future annexation of more city land area would be a possibility.

Since a large capital expenditure initially would be required, the viability of this concept would be dependent upon the region winning one of the governor’s half billion-dollar awards. This project components could undoubtedly justify the creation of  hundreds, maybe thousands of new jobs and maybe $2.5 billion or more in new construction in the Central New York area resulting from this visionary project. Its new business viability is further enhanced by its location within a mile of a university thereby entitling it to certain New York State new business development privileges.

The concept of World Center, NY and IMoW would create an international buzz throughout the country and the world creating intense interest in visitors and development potential.


A submission concept for the Governor’s half billion dollar regional awards

World Center, NY, the International Museum of Writing, IMoW and a Stadium Option-

Project Details

1. IMoW and Medical Site- The block bounded by the new Boulevard, Adams Street on the South, Townsend Street on the West and Harrison Street on the North is proposed as major development area for IMoW, two 40+ story signature office and/or hotel towers and a major 2,000 car parking garage. The existing SUNY Upstate residential tower would remain on the block, but the Harrison Center one-story medical office building would be moved across the Boulevard next to the Upstate garage freeing up that signature site for premium development.

2. New SUNY Upstate Medical Building – The site owned by SUNY Upstate across the Boulevard to the east would become a 6 to 20 story new medical office and hospital expansion building about two stories of which would be a replacement for the one story Harrison Center to be removed across the street. Additional floors could be built as needed for badly needed hospital expansion and/or swing space so that the existing hospital could finally be modernized. There would be a bridge connecting across to the existing hospital to garage bridge. Optionally, some floors of the new building could be Syracuse University's proposed Veterans Medical School. A three-dimensional survey could separate the ownership deed areas. A visual inspection of the two five-story big garages shows no cars parked on the roof presently and only a few on the top story, so there is apparently plenty of parking available for building expansion.

3. Potential New Buildings, Areas and Costs – The plan shows 80 new buildings where presently surface level parking lots exist or nothing at all most of which would be four stories minimum based on form-based zoning with many 18 to 24 story and a few signature buildings of 40 or more stories. Using an average of 10 stories, there could be almost a billion square feet of new construction, which at $250/sq ft, would be $2.5 billion of mostly taxable new construction.

4. World Center International- World Center International, WCI, could be the nonprofit organization established to do the organizational work need to get the overall project off the ground until the new city is chartered and maybe beyond. They would employ advertising, legal, city planners and others as needed. The website is registered.

5. Support Groups- Presently this is being proposed by an individual and there are no support groups yet. But it seems obvious that if you were to indicate and interest in proceeding with this project, that SUNY Upstate, Syracuse University, the City of Syracuse, the local developers, architects, real estate folks and others would quickly step forward in support and assistance.

6. Creating a Buzz- No one is going to build $2.5 billion of new construction unless a major buzz is created. When Destiny USA first announced their major expansion project to become one of the largest shopping centers in the world and an international destination, it created a huge buzz that brought developers and others rushing to Syracuse. They bought up scores of empty buildings. When William Zeckendorf back in the 1960s bought up options for a whole city block and surrounding property in New York City and presented some flashy development plans, it created a huge buzz in the real estate, development and architectural field. He never built the project but made millions selling the options on adjacent property. The World Center and IMoW would need to be exploited to create the same kind of buzz internationally.

7. EB-5 Visa Financing- There is a special green card program for foreign individuals who invest $500,000 or more in businesses or construction projects that create American jobs. Many of these are Chinese and there are real estate/lawyer groups who bundle these individuals for investment purposes. World Center International could facilitate this bundling and promotion of special financing to assist in its development.

8. Transportation and Parking – Since it would be a walkable community, a large percentage of both workers and residents might not own cars and could rely on Zipcars for transportation outside of the new municipality. Public garages would be spaced at critical distances and each would have a section for Zipcars. The University and hospitals presently use shuttle buses and these could be extended into the municipality.

9. High Density – With New York City type high zoning and form-based zoning that would be come effective after say five years, surface level parking lots and big lawns would all disappear with just stores and office buildings and apartment buildings filling every foot of street frontage.

10. Government- World Center could incorporate as a small city with an estimated growth potential between 10 and 20,000 people similar size to Fulton, NY, Oswego or Plattsburgh, NY, but with an emphasis on being friendly and supportive of visitors and immigrants from everywhere around the world.

11. Schools- World Center, NY, as a small city, would have its own NYS School System and consequently would have an opportunity to create a world-class educational institution. Initially the present Syracuse City School District offices on Harrison Street could be converted back to a school and maybe old Central H S reopened later. The District could move to an empty city office building.

12. Stadium Option – a new stadium to replace the SU dome could be built on the area shown on the small-scale plan on Adams Street to accommodate a 60 or 70,000 seat stadium with parking beneath and State Street potentially going through the under building parking area. There is a group interested in promoting this and the estimated cost is around $350 million. Replacing the displaced Syracuse Housing Authority Apartments on empty land in other parts of the city is estimated at $40-$60 million. Contact Tom Kinslow at for more information.

13. Nothing is impossible – There will be scores of naysayers who will say you can't do this grand project because of this or that reason.  When DeWitt Clinton went to Thomas Jefferson and asked for help in financing his Erie Canal project, Jefferson replied that he (Clinton) would never be able to build the canal; it was impossible.

World Center, NY, the International Museum of Writing, IMoW and a Stadium Option-

Proposed Job Creation and Costs

The following is a discussion of possible costs. It seems obvious that the viability of this project is totally dependent on major startup funding from the governor’s half-billion dollar competition program. Having said that, there is a wide spectrum of types of costs involved many of which could would be paid for with private investment or bonded through the new municipality. This proposal is in a very preliminary form and will undoubtedly need to be revised, negotiated added to etc. No one presently has any financial interest vested directly in the project and the material is presented here as nonproprietary. So feel free to start contributing ideas and positive suggestions.

Although it would be ideal if the whole project were funded, feel free to select appropriate pieces for funding if need be. Unfortunately it is beyond the expertise of this presenter to be able to estimate the number of actual jobs that might the created. Suffice it to say that the number would be very substantial.

1.     International Museum of Writing, IMoW- (see separate IMoW file) $263 million
2.     SUNY Upstate New Building on Adams and the New Boulevard- The present Harrison Center is about 70,000 ft.² The new building shown is about 35,000 square feet per floor so two floors would be needed to replace Harrison Center. Then arbitrarily assume four more floors at 35,000 ft.² per floor for additional hospital, medical offices, surge space and maybe SU’s Veterans Medical School for a total of 210,000 ft.² at $375 a square foot equals  $158 million total if all four additional floors are build.
3.     New Stadium Project- $350 million plus $50 million SHA and site acquisition costs. Contact Tom Kinslow at for more information.
4.     World Center, New York- Startup costs for the nonprofit World Center International and then to create some initial public facilities and start up financial support is a wild guess of say $40 million.

David C Ashley 315.751.6382 8.7.2015


World Center, NEW YORK, USA


What is IMoW?

IMoW, a potential 600 thousand square foot project, is a proposed museum of writing composed of a family of 15 related writing museums all under one roof or a tight campus concept which is intended to become “The Cultural Mecca of the World.”  It is proposed to be located in a new municipal entity called World Center that will be created out of part of what is now Syracuse New York. The museum will represent material from all over the world and is conceived as being an “active” museum rather than passive museum with continuously updated programs, presentations and video material of a “first run” nature possibly presenting current authors, first run plays; the latest of everything: like a Wiki Museum with an actual home.

It could be a New York State Museum or a traditional public museum, but the individual museums might be tenants responsible for their own interior build-out and operation in the same fashion as a shopping center does. If it is a New York State museum, the common support areas, classrooms, auditorium, parking and administration could be state owned. One similar example is MASS MoCA:, a contemporary Art Museum in Adams, Massachusetts located in a renovated huge former factory building.

The goal would be to achieve an attendance ranking for IMoW in the top five museums in the country (see appendix) with about 4,000,000 yearly attendances or more. This would be about a thousand people a day.

The IMoW complex could to include the following international writing related museums:

            1. Typewriter Museum
            2. Language, Alphabets and Writing Museum
            3. Dictionaries and Word Museum
            4. History of Books and Printing Museum
            5. Non-fiction and Authors Museum
            6. Fiction and Authors Museum
            7. Journalism--Newspapers and Magazines--Museum
            8. Poetry and Poets Museum
            9. Religious Writing and Sacred books Museum
            10. Playwriting Museum
            11. Music Compositions and Composer Museum
            12. Fairytale and Fantasy Museum
            13. Comics and Graphic Novel Museum
            14. Computer and Software Writing Museum
15. Social Media Museum
16. Science and Technology Writing Museum

 Possible Ancillary Facilities:

·       Space for small conventions and similar activities.
·       International Restaurants and Book Stores from every country in the world
·       A language college which teaches all the world’s hundreds of languages
·       An auditorium for say 2,000 people for museum presentations, meetings and readings
·       A 2,000 car garage to replace the parking displaced by the museum that would also enhance the Museum’s use.
·       Two high-rise 40 plus story office or hotel buildings using a land lease to a private company with space to build more.

Benefits for N Y State, Central New York, Syracuse University and Destiny USA

1. All of New York State, and especially the Erie Canal corridor cities, would benefit from the prestige, surge of tourism and economic activity that IMoW would generate.

2. Central New York and Syracuse would benefit more directly. IMoW could ultimately be a huge project employing maybe hundreds of people when the ancillary facilities are included, with maybe thousands of visitors a day that would put Central New York on the International map with tremendous fallout benefits to business, people and culture. (Four million attendances a year is about 11,000 attendees a day)

3. The museum would be the anchor feature of the new municipality, World Center NY, each benefiting the other from a prestige and marketing standpoint.

4. High school classes–it's not hard to imagine every high school English teacher in the country urging their students to visit IMoW.

5. IMoW would be a huge asset to Syracuse University as a resource and marketing tool. Most of the separate 15 museums have a college or program area that Syracuse University teaches, so the potential synergy with the university is huge. It is expected that the university and LeMoyne College would be active partners. SU and LeMoyne could help train some of the specialized positions needed. The site is within walking distance of the University.

6. Central New York, and the World Center, could be the Cultural Mecca of the World with IMoW, and would a destination for people to come and work and live. Imagine the civic pride of living in the Cultural Mecca of the World. New businesses would want to come and locate here especially ones that had any connections with one or more of the 15 museums--for example, firms and employees in computer in software development and social media.

7. Educational and entertainment opportunities–as an active Museum much as Wikipedia is an active history media, IMoW material, presentation, events and classes would be on a continuous up-dating process encouraging even locals to visit often.

Initial Program Scope


There is no specific precedence to use as a guide for the program for this project since this is a new, unique museum type. Other major national and international museums of a related nature would be studied in detail. This will take time and resources, however, but it is important to progress the project forward with currently known information and projections and using well-known and available institutional building programming formats. IMoW could start online soon after conception and then progress physically.


Why would the International Museum of Writing be located in the Syracuse NY area instead of say London, NYC or Paris? First of all, Central New York can claim to be the home of the typewriter with Smith Corona’s factory starting here in Syracuse and Royal Typewriter in Ilion, NY.  Syracuse is centrally located in the Northeast on the intersection of N, S, E and W highways and railroads within 500 miles—one days driving distance—of 90 million people in US and Canada. Lastly, the idea originated here.

Draft Program-

  1. General- The museum is intended to be an “active” museum in that it will not only be a repository of various physical element of writing in all its broad facets, but more importantly it will be a place where the newest, most famous and exciting elements of all the writing disciplines will be either displayed or presented. These could be plays, books, music, or many other things. Ideally, the “best” in the various fields of writing would be presented here first time.   The international aspect of the museum is intended to at least represent all the aspects of writing of all countries, although the USA would presumably be the primary feature. Currently there are very few international museums related to writing, so at present it would appear that this museum could serve that need for the entire world and all its people. In the future there might be continental branches of IMoW in Europe, Africa, South America, Middle East and Asia.

  1. Program Areas or Separate Museums- as listed on page 1. Program Areas/Museum could be separate areas arranged around a Center Area, an arrangement like a shopping mall, where individual museums had “store fronts” on to the central mall area. Each Program Area would have its archive area, an active changing exhibit area and for some, a presentation area some of which could be shared. They could be partially self-contained individual museums with shared support facilities of lobbies, public toilets, food concessions/ international restaurants, classrooms, 2,000-seat auditorium. Each museum would have a museum store specializing in the artifacts that particular museum.

  1. The Center Area and Services- is proposed as a glass atrium of huge proportions off of which the individual museum program areas would be accessed like stores in a shopping center. Surrounding the center area could be international restaurants representing as many countries as possible and international souvenir shops.

  1. Language College and Classrooms This option could be a college level special language school maybe in conjunction with Syracuse University, LeMoyne and other area colleges. A major program area could be “All the Languages of the World”. Also there would be special facilities for visiting high school students. Ideally, every high school senior in the world would visit the IMoW. The classrooms and large group instruction areas would be shared areas for the wall complex.

  1. Support Facilities- Central administrative offices hotels for visitors. This would be facilitated if there were a form of rapid transit car to the rail depot and the airport. There would be public toilet rooms to service all of the public needs relieving the individual museums of this obligation.

  1. Sustainability Area- The complex could be the world’s largest carbon neutral building and self sufficient in water and sewage with virtually no “waste” removed from the site. The world’s greenest building would be a showcase for strategies to renew the earth and planet and could be designed to meet the Living Building Challenge.

  1. Program Adjustments- The initial planning team should look at this list as only a startling point. For example, maybe a museum for Inventions and Technical Writing should be included. Any one of these Program Areas could be a huge museum in itself. Take for example, Religious Writing and Books. Christianity, Muslin, Jewish, Hindu and scores of minor religions and their great books and writings could be a vast presentation. The Bible section alone would be huge. With today’s technological presentation methods with talking flat screens, and creative effects, museums can be lively and dramatic and ever changing.

  1. Size of Building and Site-

a. 15 museums, two stories @  30,000 sf   = 450,000
b. Central lobby circulation 120 x 500           = 60,000
c. Central auditorium for 2,000                      = 20,000
c. Public toilets, stairs, elevators                   = 10,000
d. 20 Classrooms and support areas            = 20,000 
e. Concessions, restaurants                          = 15,000
e. Admin, offices                                            = 10,000
f.  Service, mechanical, storage                    = 10,000
g. Elevated building parking for 2,000 cars   =600,000
h. Total finished area ……………………   600,000 sf.
i.  Building footprint………………………… see plan

  1. Flexibility- This is very early concept material and the final IMoW program could be, say, double or half the size of what is shown here.

Estimated Costs

Overall finished Museum costs might be $300 a square foot for more but it could be divided into shell costs for the New York State Museum and tenant Museum build out costs where the interiors much as shopping centers are presently done today. The two Towers would be private development costs. The 2,000 car garage might be around $30 million.
1.     Museum shell cost at $200 a square foot  =$120,000,000
2.     Museum build out at $130 a square foot   =  $60,000,000 (not included)
3.     Garage for 2,00 cars                                  = $30,000,000
4.     Museum start up and five-year cost           = $18,000,000 allowance
5.     Cost to demolish existing Harrison Center =$1,000,000 allowance
6.     Subtotal                                                     $229,000,000
7.     Miscellaneous and contingency 15%                  = $34,000.000
8.     Total                                                          $263,000,000 
9.     The Project could also be staged in phases                                             

 Tasks and Status


1. Concept Program and Costs- have been prepared (see Executive Summary and Initial Program Scope)

2. Web Sites- Several key websites such as:,, will be registered. is registered
3. Location- The building could be at the site bounded by Harrison, Townsend, Adams Streets and the new Grand Boulevard
4. Trademark- IMoW is available from the US Patent Office.
5. The Incorporation/Charter Status- has been researched. See tasks below.

Tasks to do first year:

  1. Decision to Proceed- Internal business meetings with all parties and meet with potential outside financial partners.
  2. Grant application– A grant application for the startup costs would need to be prepared and accepted before further work to proceed.
  3. Employ interim Museum Director- And small staff. Designate initial address and space for first year startup; say a floor in the SU downtown Warehouse.
  4. Designate support services- Legal, accounting, design and planning etc.
  5. Decide- on whether it will be one museum or 15 museums.
  6. Board of Trustees- Is required, 3 minimum, for each museum. Ultimately the trustees need to represent the leaders in the discipline of that individual museum and or to be substantial donors.
  7. Purposes- Needed in order to do the Charter
  8. Charter- Correspondence with the State Education Department and the Dept. of State indicate that museums need to be “Chartered” just like a school would. The process is not complicated but needs the selection of a board of trustees, preparation of a Purposes statement and a preliminary location. The state will issue a Provisional Charter, which will turn into a full Charter in five years if all the conditions are complied with. Once again, must decide if it is 1 or 15 museums.
  9. Organizational List and Meetings- A list of “Interested Parties” needs to be prepared with contact people. This is going to be a joint Central New York effort involving a significant number of institutions, government units and individuals. Syracuse University will be a major player and presently has a school or college already devoted to the subject of most of the 15 individual museums. Other primary institutions are City of Syracuse, Onondaga County, Everson Museum, LeMoyne College, OHA, OCPL, State of New York, all government representatives to the state legislature and the US Congress, CenterStates CEO, Destiny USA, and other area colleges.
  10. Start up registration- 501c3 or comparable; websites for individual museums; 990 registration IRS, phone numbers, etc.
  11. Preliminary Program- Needs to progress beyond schematic ideas. Each museum needs a team dedicated to developing its program, identifying interested parties and funding sources.
  12. Financial spread sheet- An ongoing analysis of costs and income required and funding sources
  13. Publicity- The sooner the community, the state, the university, the museum community and potential students hear about this the better.
  14. Many other Tasks- The Interim Director, trustees and staff can determine.
  15. Need a Startup Grant- See's Task 2. officially started.

By David C Ashley, updated

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